Q: Why should I avoid supplementing
with Co~Q10 or products that support the thyroid while taking Pawpaw
A: Taking Co~Q10 or thyroid products may decrease the effectiveness
of Pawpaw Cell~Reg. Co~Q10 and thyroid stimulating~products increase
the mitochondrial ATP energy production. Compounds called acetogenins,
found in the Pawpaw Cell~Reg, act by decreasing this energy production.
Taking both products would have a counteractive effect. It is not
dangerous to take the products together, but they are both less
Q: Could I separate the time between
the time I take Co~Q10 (or thyroid support products) and Pawpaw
Cell~Reg? For example, could I take Co~Q10 in the morning and Pawpaw
at night?
A: Avoid these products altogether while taking Pawpaw Cell~Reg.
Q: What about antioxidants? Should
I avoid those as well?
A: Taking large amounts of strong antioxidants (Vitamin A, Vitamin
C, Vitamin E, SOD, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Grapine®, etc.) may decrease
the effectiveness of Pawpaw Cell~Reg. Generally, antioxidants are
beneficial because they quench free radicals and damaging oxygen
species in our cells. With a buildup of free radicals and reactive
oxygen species, the cell will undergo a process of programmed cell
death. It may be beneficial for this to occur in certain individuals.
Taking a multivitamin and mineral should be fine.
Q: Which products can Pawpaw Products
supply, which complement Pawpaw Cell~Reg?
A: Nature’s Noni (Juice or capsules), Immune Stimulator and
Protease Plus complement Pawpaw Cell~Reg.
Q: Can I continue to take products
like E~Tea® and Pau D’Arco?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I take Pawpaw Cell~Reg with
A: There are no known interactions between Pawpaw and prescription
drugs. As mentioned above, thyroid supporting herbs or drugs (i.e.
Synthroid) may have a counterproductive effect. However, do not
stop taking any thyroid drugs, unless you are under a physician’s
Q: Can I take more Pawpaw Cell~Reg
than the label recommendations (one capsule with food four times
A: No, do not exceed label recommendations. Pawpaw is known to cause
nausea and vomiting when taken in higher doses. It will not work
better in higher amounts.
Q: I occasionally feel some minor
stomach upset after taking the Pawpaw Cell~Reg. Can I do anything
to help reduce this?
A: Although some people tend to be more sensitive to the product
than others, take the Paw Paw with some food, to decrease the incidence
of stomach upset. Ginger can also be used with Pawpaw Cell~Reg.
Ginger has been used for more than 2,000 years and it has a history
of use in reducing occasional stomach upset.
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